
Everywhere and Anywhere

About Me

IMG_1991From here to Sunday is an adverb phrase that means: Everywhere; all over the place. Originally, my blog was dedicated to sharing my previous nomadic lifestyle. For 4+ years, I was literally everywhere. Nowadays, I’ve expanded my blog to cover multiple topics that are purposefully all over the place. There’s lots to explore and it’s also on brand 🙂

My name is Monica and I’ve always enjoyed novelty experiences. I am originally from the Midwest (born in Ohio, raised in Wisconsin, and schooled in Minnesota).  A few days after I graduated, I hopped on a one way flight to San Francisco with the intent to live there temporarily. I fell in love with the city, the progressive liberal energy, and stayed for nearly 7 years. At age 27, I felt the urge to hit the road after I landed a remote job where I took full advantage of being a digital nomad. I lived in 6 US cities for several months at a time and was always on the go, working full time. I enjoyed exploring the US but wanted to see more of the world. So, I quit the corporate world and followed my passions. At that point, I traveled the world for several years and subsequently moved back to San Francisco.

On this site, I share thoughts in an effort to be inspirational and informative, providing my personal recommendations on destinations, events, adventures and best views around the world. This site is for like-minded explorers, multi-passionate souls, insanely curious minds, and those interested in discovering “new” ideas, cultures, and places outside your comfort zones.

Thanks for visiting! You can hit me up anytime at

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